Mind2I- an Online Learning Platform

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Mind2i is a Bangalore, India based company that provides Live Courses, Corporate Training and Live Consultancy Services to the respective candidates who want to build their career in Python, AI, DataScience, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP, Computer vision and etc.

Location Symbol India Flag India
Sector: Education
Key Technologies: HTML, Python, Django, JavaScrpit, Instamojo, MySQL, AWSS3
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Project Overview

Services Provided: Web Development, Mobile App Development, Product Development

Technologies used: HTML Icon   Python Icon   Django Icon   JavaScrpit Icon   Instamojo Icon   MySQL Icon   AWSS3 Icon  

Project Alchemy:

  • 5 Full Stack Engineers
  • 1 Product Owner
  • 1 Quality Analyst
  • 6 Months of Collaboration

Standout Features:

Conducting multiple Events

As the is a Online Learning Platform, they will conduct different Workshops, OnlineClasses,Podcasts

Dashboard for the Online-Classes

Students can download all the StudyMaterial, MCQs, Interview Questions

Easy access to Payment for enrolling the Courses

Payment Gateway Method is integrated for registering to all the events and enrolling the Courses

Online streaming of Videos

With the help of cloud online streaming of videos were accesible to Students


  • Manage Multiple Events: Scheduling of all the events without overlapping.
  • Tracking of Payment: There are so many paid events so approching to right payment gateway is necessary.
  • Accessing all the videos: The online class videos has to store in the cloud and can be access to the students at any time.
  • Accessing all the Study Material: Access to all the content should provide to students based on the eligibility and events they registered.


Discovering the demanding Events

The onlineClasses should not overlap with WOrkshops, so Classes should schedule at weekdays and Workshops at weekends.

Integration of Payment Gateway

Slecting the right Payment Gateway Method and integrating to all the events

Acessing Videos from Cloud

For easy access and storing selecting the right cloudplatform is necessary to avoid the unexpected conflicts.

Activity Dashboard

Students after login in the dashboard they can access to all the content and can track their Course.